deleteVpc is used to remove vpc
Request Parameter
Parameter | Description | Note |
vpcBusinessServiceIdlist |
vpcBusinessService id Type : String Default Value : No Whether it is plural : Yes |
Multiple values can be supported. |
Response Parameter
Parameter | Description | Note |
requestId (Not a necessary parameter) |
Request ID Type : JSON value : string Whether it is plural : No |
Automatically produced by the system |
statusMap |
imageId-status map Type : JSON value : object Whether it is plural : Yes |
object is {string,string} ex: { "VV55020001IOSF": "process success ", "VV55020001IOSG": "process fail " } |
Request Example &hnNo=${hnNo} &vpcBusinessServiceId=VV55020001IOSF &chtAuthType=hwspass &version=${version} &expires=${expires} &accessKey=${accessKey} &signature=${signature}
Response Example
{ "requestId":"xxxEXAMPLE", "statusMap": { "VV55020001IOSF": "process success", "VV55020001IOSG": "process fail" } }