Description of each column

Last Update: 2017/03/22

In the API direction documents, there are columns to illustrate the contents and methods of the API. The followings are the meanings of these columns.

Take startInstaces for example:

The function of API and things to be notice.

Request Parameter:
Parameters needed for the calling of API. If the parameter is noted as an unnecessary one, then you can decide whether it should be sent out according to your needs.

Response Parameter:
Parameters responded after calling API. If there is an error, an error message would be sent back. For the details of error messages, please see Error Code

Request Example:
Examples of calling API. If the parameter is plural, a parameter of the same name should be sent.

Response Example:
Examples of messages responded after calling API. The message would be sent back in json data.

Related Links:
Other APIs related to this API.

Error Message:
Possible error codes sent back by this API.