CaaS / CVPC API Developer Center

Server Load Balancer


describeLoadBalancerPolicies is used to list detailed information for more than one set of firewall services, support CaaS and CVPC load balancer.
If there are no parameters loadBalancerId, orderUuid and vpcBusinessServiceId, the information on all CaaS load balancer policies will be listed.
If there are is only parameters vpcBusinessServiceId, the information on all load balancer policies belong to this cvpc will be listed.
If there are no parameters vpcBusinessServiceId, but loadBalancerId or orderUuid is existed, the information on specific load balancer policies will be listed.

Request Parameter

Parameter Directions Note

(Not a necessary parameter)

List of Server Load Balancer ID
Type : String
Default Value : No
Whether it is plural : No
Multiple values can be supported.

(Not a necessary parameter)

List of Order Number
Type : String
Default Value : No
Whether it is plural : No
Multiple values can be supported.

(Not a necessary parameter)

vpc business service id
Type : String
Default Value : No
Whether it is plural : No
necessary for listing all load balancers belong to this CVPC, no need to input for finding specific load balancers by id.

Response Parameter

Parameter Directions Note

(Not a necessary parameter)

Request ID
Type : JSON value : string
Whether it is plural : No
Automatically produced by the system
loadBalancerList List of Server Load Balancer Policy
Type : JSON value : array
Whether it is plural : Yes
CaaS load balancers:
ServerLoadBalancerEntry List
CVPC load balancers:
ServerLoadBalancerPolicyEntry List

Request Example

Example1 List all CaaS load balancers:

Example2 List all load balancers belong to this CVPC:

Example3 Find specific load balancers:

Response Example

	"requestId": "xxxEXAMPLE",
	"loadBalancerList": [
			"applyDate": "2013-04-25T09:18:37Z",
			"loadBalancerId": "BL550100010507",
			"businessTag": "cb168f20-c515-4e41-84cd-830dedfe7f49",
			"endDate": null,
			"ip": "",
			"orderUuid": "d044640a-f67b-44ed-88a9-9f8f5492f4c5",
			"provisionMessage": "provisionok",
			"provisionStatus": "provisionok",
			"startDate": "2013-04-25T09:19:00Z",
			"instanceIdList": [
			"loadBalancerPolicyName": "TestSLB",
			"portList": [
			"regionId": "region-tw-1"