CaaS / CVPC API Developer Center


CaaS Directions

createNetworkAcl is used to apply for firewall service. One VM can only apply for one set of firewall service. One set of firewall service contains many sets of firewall status setups.

CaaS Request Parameter

Parameter Directions Note
instanceId Source VM Instance ID
Type : String
Default Value : No
Whether it is plural : No
policyString List of Firewall Status Setup
Type : String
Default Value : No
Whether it is plural : Yes
The format is
1. TCP / UDP
3. IP
4. Any

Firewall status setup order, such as 1, 2
status: "1": Enable "0": Disable

(b).srcaddr: Source IP / MASK
If it is for all kinds of IP, please designate "all"

(c).action: Action "accept": Accept "deny": Deny

(d).protocol: Protocol "TCP": TCP protocol "UDP": UDP protocol

(e).number: protocol number value is 1 ~ 254 Example 1:ICMP, 6:TCP, 17:UDP

(f).portStart: The policy can pass low port. For example :3389

(g).portEnd: The policy can pass high port. For example :3389

Example: 1;;1;;;;accept;;any 2;;1;;all;;accept;;TCP;;53-53


(Not a necessary parameter)

Firewall Name
Type : String
Default Value : No
Whether it is plural : No


Service category
Type : String
Default Value : No
Whether it is plural : No
CaaS cb168f20-c515-4e41-84cd-830dedfe7f49;
CVPC a2931aa4-8751-4f09-8df3-bcc0d18f8b75;

CaaS Response Parameter

Parameter Directions Note


(Not a necessary parameter)

Request ID
Type : JSON value : string
Whether it is plural : No
It is automatically produced by the system
orderUuidList List of Order Number
Type : JSON value : array
Occasion : For order enquiries
Whether it is plural : Yes
string List

CaaS Request Example

CaaS Response Example

	"requestId": "xxxEXAMPLE",

CVPC Directions

createNetworkAcl is used to apply for firewall service. One set of firewall service contains many sets of firewall status setups.

CVPC Request Parameter

Parameter Directions Note
policyString List of Firewall Status Setup
Type : String
Default Value : No
Whether it is plural : Yes
The format is
Multiple policies are separated by double colon("::")
Firewall configuration settings, such as 1, 2

"1": enable
"0": disable

The following formats are supported:
geography${country_code} Please refer {country_code} asdocument
subnet${CIDR} (If it is any IP, please specify "")

(e).action: "accept": accept "deny": deny

(f).services: The following formats are supported: * -protocol to TCP: TCP / [portLow] - [portHigh], such as TCP / 8000-8100 * -protocol is UDP: UDP / [portLow] - [portHigh], such as UDP / 8000-8100 * -protocol is IP: IP / [protocolNumber], such as "IP / 6" * -protocol is ICMP: "ICMP" * -protocol is ANY: "ANY" Multiple data separated by comma(「,」)

(g).comment: ignore

-IP pool: format is IP_POOL$ipStart-ipEnd, such as "IP_POOL$", Set Inside to Outside need to fill
-Log: enable log is "LOG$1", disbale log is "LOG$0"
- Multiple groups separated by commas, such as "IP_POOL$,LOG$1"

(i) .Direction: currently supports IPV4, the number of 0-4:
0: IPV4 Outside to Inside
1: IPV4 Inside to Outside
2: IPV4 Inside to Inside
3: IPV4 Inside to Intranet
4: IPV4 Intranet to Inside

Example: 0;;1;;subnet$;;nat$VT55020001IOSL;;accept;;TCP/3306-3306,TCP/27017-27017;;;;LOG$1;;0::1;;1;;subnet$;;portforward$VT55020001IOSJ;;accept;;IP/6;;;;LOG$1;;0::2;;1;;fqdn$xxxxx;;slb$VL55020001IOSR;;accept;;ICMP;;;;LOG$1;;0::3;;0;;subnet$;;iprange$;;accept;;UDP/3306-3306,TCP/27017-27017;;;;LOG$1,IP_POOL$;;1::4;;1;;subnet$;;subnet$;;deny;;TCP/3306-3306,TCP/27017-27017;;;;LOG$1;;2::5;;1;;subnet$;;subnet$;;accept;;TCP/3306-3306,TCP/27017-27017;;;;LOG$1;;3::7;;1;;subnet$;;subnet$;;accept;;TCP/3306-3306,TCP/27017-27017;;;;LOG$1;;4::


Service category
Type : String
Default Value : No
Whether it is plural : No
CaaS cb168f20-c515-4e41-84cd-830dedfe7f49;
CVPC a2931aa4-8751-4f09-8df3-bcc0d18f8b75;


Vpc Service identifier
Type : String
Default Value : No
Whether it is plural : No

CVPC Response Parameter

Parameter Directions Note


(Not a necessary parameter)

Request ID
Type : JSON value : string
Whether it is plural : No
It is automatically produced by the system
orderUuidList List of Order Number
Type : JSON value : array
Occasion : For order enquiries
Whether it is plural : Yes
string List

CVPC Request Example

CVPC Response Example

	"requestId": "2c957f6158615d93015861d4ba6c0004",