attachVolume is used to attach storage space to VM. If the storage space has already attached to another VM, the operation will fail. If the storage space needs to be moved, it should be removed and then attached to the VM.
Request Parameter
Parameter | Directions | Note |
volumeId |
EBS Instance ID Type : String Default Value : No Whether it is plural : No |
instanceId |
VM Instance ID Type : String Default Value : No Whether it is plural : No |
Response Parameter
Parameter | Directions | Note |
requestId (Not a necessary parameter) |
Request ID Type : JSON value : string Whether it is plural : No |
It is automatically produced by the system |
statusMap |
List of Order Number Type : JSON value : object Whether it is plural : Yes |
object format is {string,string} Example: { "BS550100010003": "setting" } |
Request Example &volumeId=BS550100010003 &instanceId=BV550100010009 &chtAuthType=hwspass &version=${version} &expires=${expires} &accessKey=${accessKey} &signature=${signature}
Response Example
{ "requestId":"xxxEXAMPLE", "statusMap": { "BS550100010003": "setting" } }